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Electoral Dysfunction
Wait...where is our Right to Vote?
Groups Backing a Right to Vote Amendment
Different ways to get involved, all for the same goal

FairVote's Right to Vote Amendment page provides several resources, including a Right to Vote FAQ, a History of Voting Rights, and a list of Right to Vote Supporters. They have also held events like the Democracy Next Forum with the lead congressional sponsors of H.J. Res. 44.
Rainbow PUSH Coalition

The Rainbow PUSH Coalition was founded by Rev. Jesse L. Jackson Sr, a strong supporter of a Right to Vote Amendment. Rev. Jackson has provided support for an explicit right to vote in his weekly commentary in the Chicago Sun-Times, among other speeches and writings. He has also been instrumental in the passing of Right to Vote Resolutions in major U.S. cities, which call on Congress to establish an explicit right to vote in the U.S. Constitution.
Promote Our Vote

Promote Our Vote is a project of FairVote. At PromoteOurVote.com, you can learn how community organizations, campuses, and local municipalities are passing resolutions calling for a constitutional right to vote, as well as establishing task forces to implement electoral best practices and policies at the local level.

ColorOfChange.org is campaigning to protect the freedom to vote in response to the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to strike down Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 in June of 2013. Its campaign page can be found here. You can also take immediate action by signing Color of Change's petition in support of a constitutional amendment that guarantees the freedom to vote at FreeToVote.org.
Advancement Project

The Advancement Project maintains a comprehensive and up-to-date list of resources pertaining to voting rights issues as part of its Right to Vote campaign, which documents the ways in which voting rights are vulnerable across the nation, and solutions that need your support and action. In 2008, they produced an analysis of the need for a Right to Vote Amendment to the U.S. Constitution titled 'In Pursuit of an Affirmative Right to Vote'. They also feature an interactive Voter Protection Map.